Monday, November 8, 2010

Lest We Forget

American Flag on Canada Day 2008Image by Antony Pranata via Flickr

This is Remembrance Week. As a Proud Veteran, I salute those who gave their all for the cause of Freedom, under whatever Flag they fought, WE are the recipient of their sacrifice. 

So as you travail through your day, look around at all the blessings you have and then shake the hand of a veteran because it is THEY that have served so that you could benefit.

I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ~ Voltaire,

Wreaths of artificial poppies used as a symbol...Image via Wikipedia
In Flanders Fields Poem
By:  Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Flanders Field American Cemetery and Memorial,...Image via Wikipedia

May God Bless You and Yours

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Friday, November 5, 2010

Is this God's Calling or my own ambition?

I have a dilemma.

As most of you know, things are not going very smoothly in my life right now. Denise and I are under a lot of financial stress (not an uncommon occurrence in today’s world, I know) and I seem to be unable to find a significant source of income in the standard corporate dimension. I am not trying to sound like a whiner or a “poor is me” party host, but I am seeking a path in my life where I can fulfill my perceived “calling” while also making a contribution to my family’s financial security. So I am asking YOUR help and opinions/suggestions/advice on how I should proceed in this search.  But first,  please allow me to give you some background and color on this “journey”. -  A life resume, if you will,  that has been shaded with personal thoughts and observations.

I am seeking a challenging & rewarding leadership opportunity that will utilize my diverse & extensive practical and professional experience to enhance the performance of people with a diverse background  to the benefit of themselves and those around them. My military discipline & corporate compassion lends to a unique balanced & winning combination style of instruction and training  highlighted by motivation, dedication, enthusiasm & team spirit. The diverse scope of my exposure has allowed me to develop a management and delivery style that includes “big picture” perspectives & “outside the box” solutions.  I attempt to mix my spiritual ideals  with practical applications, without pressing others to adopt my religious affiliations. My greatest joy is seeing the “ah-ha” moment in someone’s eyes when they achieve a step toward their goals. I also believe that success is a journey – not a destination. My personal goal is to help people carve through the illusion of happiness and achieve the “Real-Thing” (not Coca-Cola – haha).

One of the paths that I like is as a counselor/life coach. I have checked out a few of these programs and there are quite a few good ones out there. Merna Throne’s Pocket of Pearls Life Coaching Program . She is quite enthusiastic and sincere about helping to make this world and the people in it a better place for us all.  I would love to do something very similar to this targeting those who cannot normally afford this expertise and assistance. I am not saying a social worker per say (too much governmental interference) , but maybe a combination of Pastor, Confidante, Counselor, Philosopher and Job Recruiter. The challenges I have in this area is that (as a pastor) I am not qualified (limited education AND divorced). The other points are obstructed by the ignorance of applying my skill and experience as a business. I would love to be able to “make a living” doing this but I just do not know how. I know formal education and certifications cost $$ and that is another challenge at this point in my life. Heck, we do good to pay the bills AND buy groceries or other life necessities.

I believe that I am being led to this field of assistance, but my concern is WHO is doing the leading. Is it GOD or Gene? Is this a true calling or is it a selfish ambition?  Whatever the answer may be, I am certain that the correct path of life will INCLUDE a mechanism to allow me to provide for the financial needs and responsibilities of my family.

You would think that with all my technical training and my life experiences that I would have a easy time finding adequate income. But , as many of you know, times are a’changin and some of the choices I have made in the past have seriously handicapped my options (at least within my circle of understanding). This is where YOU come in …. I believe that engaging more than one point of view and multiple intellectual processing, we can find a good solution to almost any challenge.

If you have anything to contribute or suggestions/advice to offer, I am available through email , Facebook or Twitter and greatly appreciate and respect your thoughts.

Thanks for your attention and input
May God Bless You and Yours