Friday, February 25, 2011

God's Will??? or mine ????

Yes guys, I am still wrestling with where Denise and I are supposed to be and what we are to be doing. I remember in high school, the question of what to do “when you grow up” permeated my thoughts and plans.  Forty + years later, that same question burns in my mind.  What have I accomplished in all that time? I do not see much. It is true that I have DONE a lot of things and have FINALLY found my true mate in life (although THAT took many years as well). As I reflect back on my achievements, the list is really quite short. I have managed to survive day to day (many times purely by the grace of God) . My time in the service did have it’s peaks and valleys, but as for a legacy …. Not much. Since finding Denise, I have been blessed with the family that I have desired complete with 6 wonderful grandchildren. But even these were granted by “proxy” and not my own achievement.

Please join with me in prayer for resolution to this dilemma. I am truly thankful for all of God’s gifts in my life, I only wish I had shown better management of the time I have been granted and a more visible and comfortable basis for these latter years

May God Bless You and Yours

Monday, January 17, 2011

FW: Don't be a Hater

Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. & what you learned & received & heard & saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you. Phil 4:8 - 9 (NET)

Think on the POSITIVE not the NEGATIVES ...Don't be a Hater

This may be my favorite scripture verse(s). Too many times we are guilty of seeing the worse in people and situations. Paul reminds us that we will find what we look for and our reality is shaped by our attitudes in challenges.  I know it is easier said than done (BELIEVE me I know), but that should be our goal.

By focusing our thoughts and energies on the positives, we can change our situations to a more palatable one. If not the actual circumstance, at least we can muster the energy to get through. Winston Churchill once said, “ If you are going through Hell – Keep going.” Another good suggestion. The only thing that endures time without changing is the our LORD. Everything else will come and go. We will see rain so that we may enjoy the sunshine. Do not be like the “hater” that complains about the rain and then complains that the sun is too hot. There can always be a negative spin on things. That is the easy thing to see. The challenge sometimes is finding the positive in a difficult time.

And the God of Peace will be with you …. That is promise worth holding on to !!!!

May God Bless You and Yours

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

HAPPY New Year??? your choice

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
- Martin Luther King Jr.

We are hearing almost every day of mass shootings in malls and other public places. Our elected leaders are being personally attacked both physically and verbally in almost every venue possible. To what end is this insanity taking our society? I believe and support free speech and individual ideas and the freedom to disagree on any value, but I am ALSO convinced that my (and your) rights to personal expression of freedoms stop when it infringes on someone else. Where has the days of social courtesy and “plain ol’ good manners” gone? Have we tossed away all forms of respect?

We must respect all persons, prince or pauper. Each soul has something to offer. We are all teachers of life as well as students. NO one should sit higher at GOD’s side than another because NO ONE is worthy. It is only by Grace that we are even allowed in HIS presence. The backbiting and jealousy amongst us all will destroy Believers quicker than any outside religious “crusade” or terrorist bomb.  

I have been remiss in posting, lately . I apologize for this negligence. The holidays have come and gone. We have a brand New Year at our feet. Each of us have a clear path (or at least the opportunity to pursue our path) ahead. Will 2011 be one of victory or tragedy? I believe the answer is in each of us as individuals.  Will we fill our hearts and minds with light or darkness? Will we embrace Love or Hatred? The choice is ours. I have heard it said that one person cannot make a dent in society, I disagree. If a lot of “one persons” commit to change, that will make up a major dent in society because society is made up of each of us and what we will allow and what we refuse to allow. By embracing the darkness, we cultivate more darkness. By fueling hatred, we grow more hatred. We can only fight this negativity with Love and Light.

1 Peter 5:8  Be sober and alert. Your enemy the devil, like a roaring lion, is on the prowl looking for someone to devour. (NET)

Apathy allows the aggressor, the adversary,  to advance. I think that is what The Apostle Peter is saying in the above verse. We have to be vigilant and pro-active in our dealings with each other and not allow inappropriate attitudes and actions (from ourselves or others) defeat our “good sense”.

I try very hard to avoid formal “New Year’s Resolutions”. We should be in a continual spirit of self-examination and directional corrections. BUT I challenge every reader of this humble posts to resolve to make their personal circle of influence shine with Love and Light, instead of Hatred and Darkness. Whether you rub shoulders with saints or sinners, leaders or followers, we can make a difference in our own life and those nearest us.

What do YOU think?

Until next time …

May God Bless You and Yours