Monday, May 17, 2010

Cancer Claims another Warrior

I know I have already posted today, but I feel led to make an addendum to my journal.

We have lost another Cancer Warrior this past weekend, M. DiCesare. Our heartfelt condolences are sent to Micheline and the rest of the DiCesare family.  He fought that terrible foe for several years before having to succumb to this deadly disease.  Having been through a small part of the therapy, I can somewhat relate to the spiritual and physical struggles that he had to endure and have seen the effect on family and friends as well.  This disease drains the will as well as the body. The treatment can be more horrible and painful than the cancer. But without this seemingly medicinal torture, the fight would be dramatically shortened.

This treatment is very costly and can financially destroy a family. Without the aid of support groups Like the Canadian and American Cancer Societies, more families would be totally devastated. The fight is hard enough without this added man-inflected stress. I implore you to contribute to these groups. Many people depend on the counseling, support as well as their promotion of research and medical advances made every day. In these days of economic strains, it is even more important for those that are able, to set aside something for those unable to help themselves or afford the care that they require. Quality of Life issues cost money as well and I think that we should address that as well. So I would like for you to join me in the search for a cure to this and the hundreds of other medically devastating attacks on our family and friends. If you know of someone under this weight, certainly let them know that they are special to you, but also show that care by a tangible donation to their care.  That donation can be in the form of time (Relay for Life, fundraisers, volunteering), support groups (hosting, starting, promoting) as well as the obvious need for the green stuff ($$$$).

There are a multitude of organizations in your own area and in your own language and culture. Seek them out and see what you can contribute (see above for ideas). Although I am mostly talking about cancer …  I have NO intention to restrict it to that specific foe. People, like my high school friend, Martha, depends on the support of others for her daily care. I include their needs as well. I submit that you pray and find what you can do to make this a better life for all of us and then follow through on that direction. It is nice to say “I will pray for you” but those are empty words if you can physically apply your energies and resources to help where you can and where you feel can be used best. I PROMISE that you will be all the richer for your efforts.

As always, I solicit your thoughts and opinions on this. Also feel free to send me your stories and/or experiences you have had helping others.

May God Bless You and Yours

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