Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What does Sovereignty Mean?



1. a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler.

2. a person who has sovereign power or authority.

3. a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority.

4. a gold coin of the United Kingdom, equal to one pound sterling: went out of circulation after 1914.


5. belonging to or characteristic of a sovereign or sovereignty; royal.

6. having supreme rank, power, or authority.

7. supreme; preeminent; indisputable: a sovereign right.

8. greatest in degree; utmost or extreme.

9. being above all others in character, importance, excellence, etc.

10. efficacious; potent: a sovereign remedy.


As a citizen of a free society, we have a hard time grasping the authority of a Our Creator. We have been calloused in dealing or associating with this level of power and authority. To try and place our respect and responsibility in context, I will try to help us understand the seriousness of our relationship to a Holy and Righteous King, especially The King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


In the days of ruling monarchs, the king had total control over their subjects. Most “honorable” monarchs allowed a certain input/advice from their subjects, but they retained the last word. In honorable and just minded monarchy, the people were equally subject to the King’s law. The King acted as final judge and jury on disagreements or other issues. His judgment was irrevocable and non-appealable. Basically – What he says – goes. Thus his subjects showed him the highest level of respect, possible (in the Old English verbage – they FEARED Him). The subjects avoided any bad-mouthing or degrading of the king’s name or authority. Even his name was reserved for the highest respect. To worship a king was an honor. It was a lot like us being granted an audience with a well-liked celebrity. As a matter of fact, in today’s world, we come VERY close to worshiping these artists and man-made authorities above our CREATOR. When our Creator directly ruled the House of Israel, He gave them a list of rules (the 10 Commandments – Exodus 20) and the method HE wanted to be approached. He even gives specific instructions on the construction of his tabernacle (a physical symbol of HIS ruling palace in Heaven). The Jews were so afraid of violating these rules that they expounded on these 10 rules by invoking hundreds of laws, with varying consequences for violation of them. The Jews respected and honored God so much that they would not even speak his name except for when they were ritually cleansed and in an appropriate setting (the temple/tabernacle)  This was the fear held by a subjected people even more than they feared the loss of their own lives.


Our closest reference in modern day to a similar level of power can be found in the land of Islam, or (what we call) primitive societies. I do not condone nor advocate this type of “local” government at all, but it gives us insight to the authority of My KING. We are so guilty of underestimating our actions and attitudes that we verge on the chasm of sedition of the law of the LORD. The apostle Paul made reference to this sedition in his letter to the Romans and the consequences of those acts of sedition (sin). In that same letter, he also provides us a picture of the pardon that is offered for us and the guidelines to accept that pardon. We have called that “pardon” nonchalantly as

 – Isaiah 64:6)


So next time we are tempted to dishonor our KING, hopefully we will bridle ourselves and become aware of the the SOVEREIGNTY of The Creator of Everything, our Supreme Ruler and SAVIOUR!


Until Next time:


May God Bless You and Yours






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