Friday, September 17, 2010

Think and Grow Rich - CH 6 Imagination

The previous chapters covers the importance of controlling our thoughts and developing the positive thoughts into positive desires and developing a plan of action from them. This chapter addresses the use of imagination in one of two way: Synthetic and Creative.

Synthetic Imagination rearranges old concepts, ideas and methods into new combinations. This typr of imagination does not create anything. It merely works with experience, education and observations to develop a “new’ conclusion.

In Creative Imagination, the finite mind connects with Infinite Intelligence. This is noticed in our hunches and inspirational thoughts and ideas. This is the basis through which all new ideas are received. It is thought this faculty that we may “tune in” with the sub consciousness of others. Great leaders of business, industry, finance and the great artists, musicians, poets and writers became great because they developed the faculty of creative imagination.

Thought the grind of life, most of us has allowed our imagination (both kinds) to grow weak through atrophy. I remember, as a child, having all sorts of ideas that would change the world. Through life, I have allowed obstacles and “reality” to wear down these “dreams” and imagination-driven goals. I have lost faith in my ability to dream big dreams and subsequently mold those dreams into a reality. This seems to be the common malady of “child-like” imaginations. I have replaced my dreams with the cynicism of experiences and failures (mine and others). This dulling of imaginations has costs me the thrill of watching an idea grow from conception to maturity. 

Summer Fantasy (Impossible landscape)Image by Gilderic via Flickr
We can revive our imaginative faculties through deliberate exercise. Center  your attention on your synthetic imagination faculty (since this is the one that is most commonly used) and mentally rearrange processes and perceptions of a given idea. This may even result in a novel approach to an old idea and thus provide a path to a new result in your life as well.  If we allow ourselves to realease our “adult” restraints and approach a challenge with the trusting, innocent mind of a child, we may find solutions that otherwise  may have been hidden.
We like to be adults and in charge of what happens to us, but having faith like a child is allowing God to lead us through the Holy Spirit. If you pray instead of making decisions on your own, you will find that God answers your prayers acts according to His will. Then your heart will be instructed in the night seasons by either God speaking to your spirit or even in a dream. If we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us we will get good counsel, but if we do it ourselves then we rely on our own faulty ways. The spirit works through the heart as I said:
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
This means not to follow your mind and its ways but be like a child and let your spirit direct you through your heart. Allow the Holy Spirit to direct you through scripture before you make decisions. The Lord will look after you. He promises if you have the faith of a child you will enter into His Kingdom. It's time to go with your heart and be a child rather than living like an adult in your mind.

Resurrect that child-like imagination and see if there is a hidden path to success waiting just beyond the shadows of our consciousness.

May God Bless You and Yours

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