Thursday, September 30, 2010

Think and Grow Rich Study - Conclusion

I know that there are remaining chapters in our study of “Think and Grow Rich”, but as I read through them, the information they contained are better digested by meditating on each thought and exercise. So, I have decided to summarize and conclude the study with a few thoughts and suggestions.

Suggestion #1 is to read the book yourself and glean what you can directly. You are an intelligent individual (and many of oyu are A LOT smarter than I am). You can apply these principles to the specific circumstances in your life and  not be tainted by my own prejudices and thoughts. This book is free to download in PDF format at .

Suggestion #2 is to not restrict your thoughts to material or monetary acquisitions. Wealth is much more than a large bank account or higher income bracket. Wealth encompasses more permanent and durable assets like spiritual maturity, wisdom, health, family and friends. So you can expand your quest to TRUE success and happiness  beyond mere $$$s.

Suggestion #3 would be to gather an inner circle of friends to discuss your own goals and report your progress. You can hold each other accountable to the precepts you have agreed upon and share intimate details in your journey. (It can also be used as an excuse for coffee and snacks to feed a REAL social network as well.


My prayer for each of you is to find the success you seek and enjoy the journey along the way. Please stayed tuned to this blog as I explore more ideas and try to learn more about myself and how I can become a more mature Believer as well as a wiser man.

As ALWAYS … You  are more than welcome to join into any discussion with thoughts, arguments or encouragements, as you see fit.

Thank you for your attention and your time in visiting my humble inner sanctum of insanity

May God Bless You and Yours

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