Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have had the feeling sometimes that no matter what the message may be, no one is listening. Have you ever felt like just yelling “FIRE” to see if your voice is even heard? I have. As a matter of fact, I think that people are so busy spewing their hatred and prejudices that they cannot even hear the voices of reason WITHIN THEMSELVES, much less the cries for help from those around us. It take a dramatic event (the 33 Chilean Miners) to break through their thirst for mayhem and violence.

The holidays are approaching us again and there are still folks out there with no shelter nor food to eat. Men and women are suffering alone and in silence every day. We will show our “charity” by filming our "one day at the shelter handing out food" or promote some high profile event to accept blanket donations. What do we do the rest of the year that could avoid us having to “make that special effort” during this time of year? The old saying that “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure” could be the mantra that we adopt in our daily lives 24//7/365, but then where would the drama be during the holidays? Well, how about focusing on the REAL meaning of the holidays?

THANKSGIVING – giving thanks for the blessings in our lives AND the lives of those around us without the envy and jealousy of someone having a bit more than ourselves. Do not worry about keeping up with “The Jones”. They have their own challenges. Take care of your own and those in your circle of influence. I think that if we do this then there will be a sharp decline in the need for that charity drive at the end of the year. If we show a little more concern for those around us and display our charity in our day to day lives, it will become the normal social behavior. This may not be to the advantage of those “Scribes and Pharisees” that love to flaunt their wonderful deeds, but it WILL be more effective and more people would benefit more than their egos. The “widow’s mite” provides more good than the rich man’s gold and is more appreciated.

CHRISTMAS – should be dedicated to the celebration of THE Christ, Jesus of Nazareth and not some fat man in a red snow suit ringing a bell in front of the grocery store. The SPIRIT of Christmas should be recognized as the HOLY SPIRIT of Christmas. It is a shame that we have to use this time of year as an excuse to flaunt our own wealth by making a big show of our donations (well as long as it is tax deductible) Is this real charity? I think not. To me, this is a feeble attempt to “buy” our righteousness and show others how “wonderful” we are.  

I am not worried about how people will react to this post, because I am sure that not many will take the time to read much less think about the meaning of the words. But at least I have sent it out into the ether accompanied with the prayer that someone MAY take the challenge and do their part to make this a better world where we can focus on our mission of serving GOD and honoring the purpose in which we are created. We are NOT the center of the universe unless we want to shrink our world to a lonely circle of empty achievements and lauded by a few hand-picked worshipers of our “greatness”

If you are one of the very few that agree with me on this, help me sound the alarm by committing random acts of anonymous charity for the Glory of the MOST HIGH GOD of THE UNIVERSE and spread the message of “Good News” to those in our circle of influence, THEN to the uttermost parts of the world. 

What are YOUR thoughts?

May God Bless You and Yours

1 comment:

  1. gene, all this time I have been reading this and I only just now realized I could post, in regard to this blog-I am in full agreement, I have family members that do just that, they pat themselve on the back at Thanksgiving & Christmas because they donated to the foodbank for Thanksgiving boxes or because they chose a childs name off a tree somewhere to buy some clothes and a toy at wal-mart for...but do not ask them to do any kind of volunteer work any other time of year, because the answer will be a flat "NO, I'm too busy!, they have folks for that."....and then they complain because I am involved in too many things...relax they say....don't worry about that....I'm ashamed that more folks dont feel a need all year long to help those in need, I mean those in need, need help everyday, not just on holidays...those with less than them...bless someone just because they feel the tug on thier hearts to do so, but most of the time we just ignore it and go on about our daily routine....It would be great "If we show a little more concern for those around us and display our charity in our day to day lives, it will become the normal social behavior." but sadly the worlds attitude tells me that wont happen....but thanks for the reminder! hugs & prayers, LB.
