Thursday, August 5, 2010

What is the difference between Religion and Belief?

Please watch the above interview between CNN’s Joy Behar and the famous author, Anne Rice concerning her public decision to “step away” from Christianity. I know this is a controversial subject and I do not want to shy away from any debate, but you have to listen in an objective manner to hear what she is saying and her concerns. She has a lot of the same concerns that I feel and hav
e stated myself. I am NOT saying that I agree with all her views (homosexuality is one of them). As Voltaire has been quoted – “ I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”  I think more cruelties have been committed by, and in the name of  religion than any other “excuse” in the world.  Wars, crusades and outright genocides and other atrocities have been “in the name of Christ”. Where do we draw the line and where do we get our guidance?

I think that the early church did not have a steeple, crucifix or gold and silver inlays. The early Church meetings were simple gatherings held in living rooms, under shade trees and wherever Believers happen to meet (Matthew 18:20 ).  As the persecution progressed, many of these meeting became secret and guarded (out of survival). When did ceremony and ritualistically orchestrated meetings become our blueprint for worship? Did JESUS not condemn the rigid rules of ritual? So before you judge Ms Rice (or anyone else) concerning their convictions on organized religion, you would do well to investigate what they ARE committing to. Salvation is GOD’s reaching down to mankind – RELIGION is mankind’s “Tower of Babel” attempt to reach GOD, spreading confusion and dissent amongst the participants. I believe simple is better and we would do well to go back to the basics – The Bible, and remove ourselves from the chaos and hatred that Satan loves to spread in religious settings. So the next time you are having lunch or even meeting a friend at the mall and the exchanging of love and edification occurs in the name of JESUS, THE CHRIST, you COULD consider the rendezvous as a church meeting without the constraints of ritual shackles.


May God Bless You and Yours

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